13 Reasons Why Boudoir Photography Is Worth the Investment & Price


1. A boudoir photography session is a gift from you to yourself

Women have a hard time feeling confident and sexy. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself with the things you want, not just the things you need.

A boudoir photography session is one way to do that! When a woman sees beautiful images of herself for the first time, she’ll be amazed by how gorgeous she looks—and will feel more confident and comfortable in her skin as a result.

In this article we’ll share 13 reasons paying for a boudoir photography session is worth the investment: because it can make you feel better about your body, empower you to show off your beauty, give you memories that last forever, help boost your self-esteem and confidence levels, create an amazing gift for your spouse and the list goes on…

2. It’s a great way to celebrate your body and sexuality

Celebrating your body and sexuality is about more than just looking good. It’s also about feeling confident, empowered, and in control of yourself.

Every woman deserves to feel this way every day—but sadly most don’t because they’ve been conditioned to believe their bodies are shameful or dirty or wrong somehow. Some women have never even seen a naked woman before! This makes it easy for us to start believing all the lies we’re fed by society: that beauty is only skin deep; that our worth is determined by how much attention we get from men; that sexiness equals objectification.

But there’s so much more you can do with your body than just cover it up! You deserve to love the skin you’re in, a boudoir session can help you do that and is worth the investment.

3. You’ll feel sexy, empowered, and confident after the shoot 

Women have a hard time feeling confident and sexy. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself with the things you want, not just the things you need.

A boudoir photography session is one way to do that! When a woman sees beautiful images of herself for the first time, she’ll be amazed by how gorgeous she looks—and will feel more confident and comfortable in her skin as a result.

Why Is Boudoir Photography Worth the Price?

4. You can use it as a tool for self-love and acceptance 

In a world that has been conditioned to see women as shameful, dirty, and wrong somehow. It’s easy for us to start believing all the lies we’re fed by society: beauty is only skin deep; our worth is determined by how much attention we get from men; sexiness equals objectification.

By allowing yourself to be vulnerable in a boudoir session, you will actually be flexing that “mind muscle” of comfortability. By doing so, you’ll walk away feeling more love for yourself and more accepting of yourself. It truly is an empowering experience.

5. It will make an incredible memento of this stage in your life 

Mementos are more than just keepsakes. They’re a way to remember and reflect on the past, as well as provide guidance for the future.

When you look back on your life and all that you’ve accomplished, it’s easy to feel discouraged by how far there is left to go. But if we can’t see what we’ve already done, it becomes much harder to appreciate our progress and know where we should be headed next.

Mementos give us something tangible—a physical reminder of our accomplishments—to remind ourselves of who we are and what we have overcome in order to get this far. And they can inspire us with new ideas about how much further we might still be able to go!

6. The photos are beautiful reminders of how strong women look when they let themselves be seen fully.

The words “strong” and “woman” are often used synonymously, but do you know how many times they’re mentioned together in the bible?

A woman can be strong without being angry; for example, when she stands up for herself when someone tries to hurt her, that’s assertive not anger.

But she can also be a strong woman: like in Proverbs 31:25,”Strength and dignity are her clothing,” and again in verse 29,” She opens her mouth with wisdom.”

We know we’re strong when we stand up for what we believe in and when we try not to listen to the lies society tells us about who we should be. A woman is strong when she goes after her dreams or makes mistakes and learns from them. All that strength can be seen in her images in boudoir photography.

7. It makes a great gift for your partner (or a great way to get over a heartbreak!)

Many partners and spouses love receiving a boudoir photography session as a gift.

It’s no surprise that they’re such thoughtful gifts – it is, after all, something you want for yourself!

But the best part about giving someone this type of present is that there are so many ways to make it personal: from choosing what kind of images your loved one will receive (for example, full body shots or more intimate portraits) to deciding who will be in charge of delivering the photos (you can print them out and slip them into their lunchbox on Monday morning).

And if you don’t feel like giving your entire boudoir session photos as a gift? You can also just give them some prints!  

9. Of course some pictures are just nice to look at!

Beautiful artwork is something that can be found in many different places. You might walk into a museum and see some amazing paintings, or you might just go through your own living room and notice the beautiful colors on your walls. But if you’re looking for something with a little more personal touch, boudoir photography could be exactly what you need!

Boudoir images are so much more than just pictures of women in lingerie; they capture moments of vulnerability and strength that make them truly one-of-a-kind pieces of art.

For example, this picture features two seemingly opposite aspects: the soft curves of her body contrasted by the hard lines of their architecture (1). It’s easy to see how these elements come into play in an artistic viewpoint.

10. Boudoir photography is clearly an awesome idea in general!

I mean, it just is. Need I say more? Ok, I will.

11. A boudoir shoot is a perfect way to take some time for you.

A mom’s self-care routine is often limited to a few minutes of reading or scrolling through Instagram before bed.

But what if you could get the same restorative benefits of a spa day, a makeover, and a beauty treatment all in one day?

Enter boudoir photography: intimate portraits that capture your unique beauty and sensuality in all its natural glory. You deserve plenty of time for self-care but don’t have it in your schedule. Here are five reasons why a boudoir shoot can be the perfect solution:  1) It’s a 2-3 hour session of pampering—plenty of time for some me-time! 2) It features images that show off how sexy and sultry you truly are 3) And the

12. It’s an awesome way to celebrate the different phases of your life

It can be hard to celebrate the more difficult phases of your life.

Sometimes it feels like the best parts are what you’re trying to escape from – a painful break-up, a weight that’s been holding you down for years, or a chronic illness. But what if there was something that made those things easier? Something beautiful and personal that captured this time in your life? What if boudoir photography could help make these difficult times feel worth celebrating instead?

Here’s how: Boudoir images capture moments of vulnerability and strength in an artistic viewpoint. They show off who we truly are on the inside rather than just our exterior appearances. And they remind us that these tough periods in our lives deserve to be celebrated as well as the good times.

13. Your photos will be great decorations on your walls!

Scroll up to number 9 for reminders of this. And if you think you can’t put these images on your walls, just remember that our 80’s moms put their glamour images on their walls. If they can do it, so can you.

Boudoir photography can be a powerful way to take care of yourself and feel empowered, even if you haven’t been doing so before.

It might seem like an expensive investment at first glance but boudoir sessions are worth the price tag because they offer a variety of benefits that make them more than just pictures on your wall. Whether it’s a self-love project or a gift for someone else, this is one opportunity not to miss out on!

changing beauty standards

Holly, MI



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